Making Up Missed Meetings

A member may receive credit(s) to offset the unavoidable, occasional absence for a valid reason. Absence from a regular meeting may be made up by receiving credit in a number of ways.

  1. Illness, accident, or hospitalization (notify club secretary for credit).
  2. Attend a regular meeting of another Lions Club (send note to secretary).
  3. Attend a Lions sponsored event or committee meeting (chairman to send an attendance list to secretary).
  4. Attend a State, District, Region or Zone meeting.
  5. Attend a regular board of directors meeting (does not apply to board members).
Make-ups must be completed 90 days before or after the missed meeting and before June 30, the end of the Lions year. Copies of the complete rules are available from the club secretary if a member has questions.

Don Draper
Web Master
Contact Web Master