Additional Duties of the Club First Vice-President

  1. Conduct an annual club quality assessment and collaborate with the club officers, specifically members of the club's Global Action Team and other committee chairpersons during his/her term as first vice-president to develop a plan for membership growth, community engagement and the fulfillment of humanitarian services to be presented and approved by the board of directors during his/her term as president.
  2. Serve as a key member of the Club's Global Action Team as he club Leadership Chairperson and along with other members of the leadership committee:
    1. Ensure new members are provided an effective members orientation so new members understand how the club operates within its district, multiple district and Lions Clubs International, with support of the Club Membership Chairperson.
    2. Ensure current and/or incoming club officers attend training, offered by the district and/or via the Lions Learning Center (LLC).
    3. Communicate to the District Global Leadership Coordinator the need for training, the names of potential new leaders and the leadership development activities that the club members attend.
    4. Identify potential leaders and encourage their development as future leaders.
    5. Encourage members to participate in leadership training offered by the district, multiple district and Lions Clubs International.
  3. Take a key role in membership retention and ensure organizational excellence by measuring member satisfaction and utilizing feedback to improve club operations.
  4. Understand the club's role in District activities and events.
  5. Network with the officers of other clubs to gain ideas that may be applied to your club.
  6. Gain in-depth knowledge of district, multiple district initiatives that support leadership develoment, membership growth and the expansion of humanitarian service.
  7. Be an active member of the district governor's advisory committee of the zone in which this club is located.

Don Draper
Web Master
Contact Web Master