HSV Breakfast Lions Logo Gift Lions Music Man Lions Help Blind Hot Springs Village
Breakfast Lions

Who Are We

The Hot Springs Village Breakfast Lions was chartered on March 21, 1977 with the sponsorship of the Hot Springs Village Evening Lions. We currently have about 40 members and meet twice monthly at Debras Restaurant on 198 Carmona Rd., Hot Springs Village, Arkansas. We meet for breakfast on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7:45am.

The Hot Springs Village Breakfast Lions Club is a community service organization that is part of the Arkansas Multiple District #7 which in turn is part of the Association of Lions Clubs International. Lions Clubs International has 1.4 million members in 200+ countries and districts. This makes Lions Clubs International the largest service organization in the world. The Breakfast Lions subscribes to the Purpose, Ethics and Vision of the Lions Clubs International.

Logo Our Motto: We Serve

Lion Logo US Flag The Hot Springs Village Breakfast Lions need you. Please join us in our service to this community. We await your phone call or E-mail

Secretary: Don Draper (501-226-9406)
Membership Chair:
        Ken Wilson (501-922-1029)

Lions Logo The Association of International Lions Clubs logo has a history and symbolism that should be noted by all Lions clubs members.

Our Foundation

On July 8, 2017 the Breakfast Lions Club formed a Foundation to handle all the public charity undertaken by the club. The official name is "Hot Springs Village Breakfast Lions Foundation, Inc." This foundation received its Employer Identification Number 82-3291606 on November 2, 2017. The Foundation received its 501c3 exempt status from the IRS on December 15, 2017. The DNL number is 26053724005287.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Breakfast Lions shall be:

Our Accomplishments

Throughout our 44 years, we have contributed $989,000 to help the vision impaired and to help our community. Projects which serve our community include:

Projects and organizations we assist with the funds that we raise include:

We raise our funds with the following projects: